Therese on the Issues

Fighting for strong communities, safer streets, and a prosperous future for all Pennsylvanians.

Keeping Our Communities Safe

Therese sees the crucial need for our communities to be protected from crime and violence, Pennsylvanians have a right to be able to safely walk throughout their communities without having to look over their shoulder in fear. She will do everything in her power to support the Local and State law enforcement – ensuring adequate funding so they are equipped to protect our communities.

Making Our Community Healthy Again

Over the past few decades Americans and Pennsylvanians have seen an increase in chronic illness and health problems, it’s time for our government our Harrisburg to tackle this issue instead of sitting on the sidelines. As someone who worked in healthcare, Therese understands the complexities of our intricate healthcare system but also understands a harsh reality, we have a “sick care” system that treats symptoms. She will fight for Pennsylvania to be a pioneer in preventative care and lead the way for a healthier, brighter future.

Supporting Parental Rights

A mother and strong Christian, Therese sees the family unit as paramount to the success of our community, state, and country. In Harrisburg she will fight endlessly to support parents’ rights to raise their children, strong families are the key to a strong country.


Therese believes that abortion is an issue so close and personal to all Pennsylvanians that she believes it is their right to decide on abortion legislation at the ballot box. She pledges that upon her election that she will fight to see all legislation on abortion go through the process to appear on a ballot for the people to have their say on the issue.

The Second Amendment

As a competitive marksman Therese fully supports the second amendment and understands the importance of every citizen’s right to defend themselves. She takes the phrase “shall not be infringed” seriously.

Properly Funding our First Responders

Pennsylvania first responders need the support of Harrisburg, our fire departments, local police departments, and emergency medical services are struggling. Our fire departments shouldn’t have to fundraise for improvements, Harrisburg should be upholding its duty to ensure our communities have the services they need. Our selfless EMS workers shouldn’t have to work extra-long shifts because we’re going through a shortage of people willing to work – we must find solutions to make sure these stations are fully staffed.

Rapid Access to Mental Health Resources

Pennsylvania and our nation are suffering from a mental health epidemic like never before. Harrisburg must step up to tackle, especially the GOP, for far too long this topic has been tiptoed around but the impact of mental health on our society is profound and must be taken seriously. A conversation is necessary to make sure our children, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and family are all supported.

Defending and Supporting Our Farmers

Farmers are the backbone of the United States and its one of Pennsylvania’s top industries that must be protected and supported. Our farmers should not have to look over their shoulders when it comes to our government, we must support them not overburden them with red tape and regulation. These are the men and women that raise and grow our food, without them our nation and state would crumble – in Harrisburg, Therese will champion them.

Unleashing Pennsylvania Energy

America and the western world were propelled into wealth and prosperity because we had access to cheap and abundant energy. When energy costs are low, prices drop and people have more disposable income to spend, invest, and use as they see fit. Pennsylvania has access to vast amounts of resources: natural gas, petroleum, coal, timber, solar, wind and just recently we discovered lithium under our commonwealth. It is quintessential to the success of our state that we unleash the potential Pennsylvania energy has.

Therese Hollen for State Representative
Paid for by Elect Therese Hollen PAC

Photos do not infer PSU endorsement.